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Winners of the AAU Startup Grant 2023


Cliarly makes software that will make it much easier for people with dyslexia to read and write. Cliarly consists of AAU graduate Jakob Frederik Lykke.

Winners of the AAU Startup Grant 2023


Cliarly makes software that will make it much easier for people with dyslexia to read and write. Cliarly consists of AAU graduate Jakob Frederik Lykke.

Founder of Cliarly

  • Jakob Frederik Lykke

Bachelor’s in Software from Aalborg University.

The grant means we can grow much faster and continue to offer our program for free while we test it.

Jakob Frederik Lykke, Cliarly

Who is Cliarly and what problem are you aiming to solve?

"Cliarly helps people with dyslexia write and read. Dyslexia causes many people to forgo the education and job they want.

Existing software to alleviate the challenges for people with dyslexia is not necessarily designed to work for a dyslexic person studying or in a job. I have experienced this as I am dyslexic myself. Through validation, we have also learned that current programs are inadequate, and they have given up using them.

Our solution ensures that dyslexia is not an obstacle and it will provide the best user experience for people with dyslexia thus far. By applying the latest technology in AI, Cliarly can help dyslexic people on a whole new level.

The grant means we can grow much faster and continue to offer our program for free while we test it. It also means that we can now develop our AI technology as it costs a lot of money to rent the supercomputers we need. In addition, with the grant, we can ensure that we get the best people to help us, so we can develop a product that works much better than the current ones."

What's next for Cliarly? 

"The next step is to expand the program with even more AI technology. We have gained much greater insight into what problems our users have in different situations –at a workplace, at home or in their studies.

In addition, we now also want to offer Cliarly to everyone, because it’s not just people with dyslexia who can benefit from what we do, but everyone who wants to write more efficiently and confidently."

Where did you get the idea for Cliarly? 

"For many years, I have wanted to create a program that can help my dyslexia. After graduating as a software engineer, I’m now able to do it. 

I really started Cliarly at the end of August 2023, but I've been part of the startup program for a year now."