Withdrawal from AAU

If you wish to withdraw before completing your first year of study, please be aware of the following:
- You are not entitled to re-enter the programme.
- The admission requirements for the programme may change.
- The programme structure may change, requiring you to complete additional ECTS credits to graduate.
- You can only re-enrol in the same programme after a minimum of five months of withdrawal.
- If you withdraw at a time when the university has grounds to deregister you—for example, due to non-participation in first-year exams, failure to complete the study start test, or exhaustion of exam attempts—you must demonstrate significantly improved study conditions to be considered for re-entry. This also applies if you apply for the same programme at another Danish university.
You can read more about the re-enrolment rules here.
If you wish to withdraw from your programme after completing your first year of study, please be aware of the following:
- You are not entitled to re-enter the programme.
- The admission requirements for the programme may change.
- The programme structure may change, requiring you to complete additional ECTS credits to graduate.
- You can only re-enrol in the same programme after a minimum of five months of withdrawal.
- If you withdraw at a time when the university has grounds to deregister you—for example, due to lack of study activity or exhaustion of exam attempts—you must demonstrate significantly improved study conditions to be considered for re-entry. This also applies if you apply for the same programme at another Danish university.
You can read more about the re-enrolment rules here.
If you wish to withdraw from your programme, you must log in to STADS Self-Service, where you can complete the withdrawal process.
Please note that your withdrawal only takes effect once Study Services has received your request. It is not possible to withdraw retroactively. Once you have withdrawn, AAU will send a confirmation to your AAU email.
If you regret your withdrawal, you must contact bacheloroptag@aau.dk within 14 days.
If you wish to leave your programme, we recommend that you download a copy of your academic transcript before withdrawing. Your academic transcript serves as documentation that you have attended AAU and outlines the courses or subjects you have passed, which may be useful for you to document in the future.
You can download your academic transcript from STADS Self-Service.
You should be aware that AAU can withdraw you from your programme if, for example, you have not complied with the rules or met the requirements of your programme. You can find the rules and requirements in your curricula.
Examples of reasons for withdrawal may include:
- You have not passed the study start test.
- You have exhausted your exam attempts in one or more subjects.
- You have not participated in or passed the first-year exam (read more about the first-year exam below).
- You have not met the study activity requirements (read more about study activity below).
- If you are unsure whether you are at risk of being withdrawn, you can contact your programme.
Lack of study activity
If, on a bachelor's, professional bachelor's, or master's programme, you have not passed an exam in the past year, the university can withdraw you. Exams passed as a visiting student at another university as part of an approved overall programme are considered passed exams.
First-year exam and the 24-month rule
As a student on a bachelor's or professional bachelor's programme, you must participate in all your exams in the first year (first-year exam). Your study regulations will specify which exams this applies to. It will also specify when you must have passed these exams by.
You must be aware that by the end of your second year—24 months after starting your studies—you must have passed the exams included in the first-year exam.
You can apply for an exemption if the reason for your lack of study activity is maternity leave, adoption, illness, military service, or other exceptional circumstances. Learn more about how to apply for an exemption here.
Read more detailed rules for withdrawal due to lack of study activity.
If you have been withdrawn from your programme due to failing the study start test, exhausting your exam attempts, exceeding set deadlines, failing to meet study activity requirements, or breaching other institutional rules, a condition for re-admission is that your chances of completing the programme have significantly improved.
Please note: The requirement for significantly improved opportunities also applies if you voluntarily withdrew at a time when the conditions were met for the institution to withdraw you.
You should be aware that, since your chances must be significantly improved, our practice is restrictive. This means it is not enough for you to point to circumstances showing that your chances of completing the programme have improved. Your chances must be significantly improved, and this must be clearly documented—such as with relevant work experience, passed courses, or a medical certificate.
How to apply for an exemption
For AAU to assess whether you have improved your chances of completing the programme, you must upload documentation in the Application Portal.
You need to upload the following:
- An explanation of the reasons why your previous enrolment ended.
- A statement showing that your chances of completing the programme have significantly improved or that the programme content has substantially changed.
- Documentation showing that your chances of completing the programme have significantly improved or that the programme content has substantially changed.
Documentation for significantly improved opportunities could include:
- A medical certificate documenting that you were significantly affected by long-term illness during your previous enrolment, which no longer affects you.
- Passed courses or programme elements that have significantly improved your qualifications.
- An employment contract along with an employer’s statement documenting that you have gained work experience which has significantly improved your chances of completing the programme.
- Your new and previous curricula, showing that the programme content has substantially changed in one or more areas relevant to your application for re-enrolment.
If you have not passed the entire first year, you can read more about significantly improved study opportunities and re-admission rules here.
If you have passed the entire first year, you can read more about significantly improved study opportunities and re-enrolment rules here.
If you withdraw from your programme, please be aware of the following:
- Your SU will automatically stop if you withdraw.
- If you withdraw on the 1st of a month, you will not be eligible to receive SU for that month.
- If you withdraw after the 1st of a month, you will be eligible to receive SU for that month, but your SU will stop from the following month.
If you have any questions regarding your SU, feel free to contact the SU office at AAU.
You are only allowed to be enrolled in one full-time programme at a time. If you wish to start a new full-time programme at another institution, you must remember to withdraw from AAU, as this will not happen automatically.
If you are admitted to another full-time programme at AAU and accept the offer, you will be automatically withdrawn from the programme you are currently enrolled in.
When starting a new programme, you must always remember to apply for State Educational Grant (SU) for the specific programme. Read more about how to do this here.
You do not need to keep your student card. If you are later admitted to a programme at AAU, you will receive a new student card.
Your AAU email will be closed after 90 days, and you will lose access to software and websites provided by AAU. You can read more here: I am leaving as a student.
If you are a non-EU/EEA citizen with a student residence permit in Denmark, you should be aware that your residence permit may be revoked by the immigration authorities (SIRI). If you withdraw yourself or are withdrawn from your programme, AAU is obligated to inform SIRI that you are no longer a student at AAU.
If you need further information, you can contact SIRI.
Need counselling?
Are you having doubts about your choice of programme? Do you have difficulties managing student life, or do you need advice on other issues related to your study? You can always contact the General Student Guidance.