Elite sports and studies

Elite sports and studies

At Aalborg University, we have a local counselling and support scheme for the students, elite athletes and coaches called Nordjysk Elitesport.
Nordjysk Elitesport advises and guides both potential and current students, elite athletes/coaches on the combination of sport and education, and helps with support schemes and flexible solutions in collaboration with the individual studies. Nordjysk Elitesport can help with:
- Advice on opportunities and study choices, and combining sports and education – including, for example, participation in group work
- Advice on and help with exemptions – e.g. rescheduling exams or submission deadlines
- Assignment of a 'buddy' – a fellow student who takes and shares notes from the lectures you miss due to the sport
- Borrowing recording equipment (dictaphone or webcam)
- Organisation of individual extended courses of study when it is absolutely necessary
In order to be admitted to Nordjysk Elitesport, you must be an athlete or coach at a high national or international level.
Applications for the scheme are made via www.nordjyskelitesport.dk. The page is currently only in Danish, but you can contact Nordjysk Elitesport via the following contact details for further information and help: