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SU at Aalborg University

On this page you can find information on State Educational Grant (SU).

SU at Aalborg University

On this page you can find information on State Educational Grant (SU).

Important Information: New SU Reform

The new rules come into effect on January, 1. 2027 and will apply for students who start a new higher education programme on July 1, 2025 or later. A "new higher education" also refers to a master’s degree after completing a bachelor’s degree.

You can read more about the new rules on SU Reform

State Educational Grant (SU)

If you are a foreign citizen, you must fulfil specific conditions in order to be granted equal status with Danish citizens and receive State Educational Grant (SU).

Normally, you must be a Danish citizen to be entitled to SU. If you are a foreign citizen, however, you have the possibility of applying for equal status with Danish citizens and thus being approved to receive SU.

Do you need Special Educational Support (SPS)?

Special Educational Support (SPS) is a service for students with a physical, psychological or neurological condition or if you are dyslexic, enrolled in higher education to help you successfully complete your chosen education.

Read more about SPS

News from the SU office

Contact SU Office

Contact us by email with applications or by phone for questions
Email contact
Email: su@aau.dk

Send your application via email.
The SU Office prefers to receive all forms of applications via email.
Telephone contact
Phone: (+45) 9940 9430
Tuesday and Thursday: 10.00-12.00
Monday, Wednesday and Friday: Closed
Book a call about SU
If you need to talk to us about topics such as lack of study activity, illness or maternity leave and need more time you can book a phone call/ teams-meeting or a physical session. If you book a physical meeting, be aware that we are located at Fredrik Bajers Vej 1, 9220 Aalborg Øst.

The calls/meetings will be on Mondays from 13:00 - 14:00 and Wednesdays from 10.00-11.00
It´s not possible to attend the SU office without an appointment.
Book a call/meeting