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HomeStudent life and well-being

Well-being and support offers

As a student and young adult, a need for help or support in relation to your well-being is completely normal. You can get help both at AAU and around your campus city. On this page, you can find out where to look for help—all offers are free for students.

Well-being and support offers

As a student and young adult, a need for help or support in relation to your well-being is completely normal. You can get help both at AAU and around your campus city. On this page, you can find out where to look for help—all offers are free for students.

Use a translation tool

Some of the pages linked below are available only in Danish, despite the offers being accessible to international students. In these cases, we recommend using a browser with a built-in translation feature.

There are people ready to help you

Offers in your student city

Explore support offers in your municipality


Your municipality can provide additional support offers, for instance: housing, home care, leisure activities and so on. You must have a CPR number to apply and be considered for the support offers.

Explore the offers your municipality withholds by visiting its' webpage: 


International House

In Aalborg, Copenhagen and Esbjerg you can also contact your International House:

Your International House is a department within your municipality that can provide information and guidance on different topics - for instance how to settle in, job and career and much more.