AAU Career and AAU General Student Guidance
GDPR: When you participate in EVENTS and GUIDANCE

AAU Career and AAU General Student Guidance
GDPR: When you participate in EVENTS and GUIDANCE

Handling of personal data in connection to events and guidance under AAU Career and AAU General Student Guidance - Aalborg University
When you participate in one of our activities (webinars, courses, guidance) it cannot be avoided that general personal data is shared between you, the host and other eventual participants.
Examples of data can be your username, email address, your picture (if you have the camera turned on, or if you have uploaded a picture to your profile), participation in polls (which can be both anonymous and person-specific) and the things you share in form of chat and speech. In addition, your participation indicates a connection to Aalborg University.
On this page we inform you about how we handle your data, and you can also find some tips to get the most out of online guidance and courses.
Personal data in connection to events and guidance
When you participate in one of our activities, we process the general personal information that you have provided at the signup.
This is your name, e-mail address, telephone number, field of study and semester or date of graduation.
Our purpose in processing your personal information is to be able to carry out the activity in question, and to be able to inform you on an ongoing basis about practical matters concerning the event or guidance.
By registering for our activities, you also agree to receive surveys about the evaluation of the activity. Our evaluations help to improve the quality of our activities, and we hope that you will help us with this.
In some cases, we will also use your personal information to compile analyzes and statistics, but in this case, the data will be anonymized.
We store your personal information for as long as necessary to be able to carry out the event in question and to evaluate it - however, for a maximum of 5 years (equivalent for a typical full study at AAU).
When you register for an event organised by AAU Karriere, your information is stored in our registration system for 5 years.
Prior to the event, you will receive a link that you are not allowed to share with others. If others you know want to participate, they must sign up.
In connection with events organised by one of our collaboration partners, registration may take place on the partner's platform. In such cases, you will be informed about the partner's processing of personal data in connection with registration for the event.
Participation in an event is personal and you enter a confidential room with the other participants.
It is therefore forbidden to share personal information about the other participants and to make your own recordings or photos of the meeting without prior agreement.
It is essential that you are aware of the general conditions of personal data when attending an online meeting.
We have therefore prepared a couple of recommendations for you:
- If you do not want your name to appear, you can see if this can be changed.
- Zoom: on Zoom you can change your name to an alias. You can only change the name once you have entered the webinar. If you cannot change the name, please contact the webinar host. You can read more about AAU's use of Zoom here.
- Microsoft Teams: If you participate on MS Teams via your AAU e-mail (@ student.aau.dk), your name and e-mail will appear. You can join as a guest via another email, but your email will continue to appear. You can also use a temporary email via services such as www.throwawaymail.com.
- See more about how to participate as a guest here (in Danish).
You can read more about AAU's use of MS Teams here.
- If you use your camera during the webinar, you should consider what appears in the background behind you. You can consider using a virtual background or blur the background. That way, it is only you and not your surroundings that others can see. This is done in the camera settings in the webinar software and can only be activated once you have entered the webinar.
- If you are in doubt about whether polls are conducted anonymously, ask the host of the webinar.
- Think about what you write in the chat and what personal information you disclose through what you say.
- On Zoom, a chat is not saved after the meeting ends (though it can be saved manually)
- On MS Teams the chat is automatically stored and can be accessed after a meeting.
- Think about what files you send via an online meetings, and who can view and access these even after the meeting.
- On Zoom, shared files in a chat are not saved after the meeting ends.
- On MS Teams, files shared via the chat and can therefore subsequently be accessed by anyone with access.
- Think about what you show if you share your screen. Depending on how you do screen sharing, you may accidentally display personal information (e.g. desktop wallpaper, personal files and folders, etc.). A good piece of advice is to have prepared what you want to share before activating screen sharing.
If it is believed to be beneficial to the participants' benefits and continued learning process, we reserve the right to record online events and webinars.
The recording will only be of plenary activities. Breakout rooms or other situations where individuals can be clearly identified are not recorded - or they will be edited before publication.
- The amount of data included in the recording differs on the platforms used. In some cases, for example, chat and polls are not included, while other programs record everything that happens in the meeting.
- The recording is sent to all registered and may not be forwarded without prior agreement.
- The recording is available for 12 months, after which it is deleted and can no longer be accessed as it is deemed out of date.
- It will always be clear whether a webinar is being recorded.
- It is not possible to be edited out of a recording, so if you do not want to appear, your only option to ensure this 100%, is if you do not participate.
Aalborg University, CVR no. 29102384, is data responsible for the personal information collected via the recording.
The purpose of recording the webinar is that participants have access to the material reviewed for continued learning.
Legal basis
Your information is collected based on the rule under EU General Data Protection Regulation article 6, 1, e, as the processing is for the performance of a task carried out in the public interest or in the exercise of official authority vested in the controller. You can read the regulation here.
Your rights
When we process your information, you have several rights under the Data Protection Regulation. This means, among other things, that in certain cases you have the right to insight, correct, limit and object to our processing of the covered personal data. You can read more about your rights in AAU's privacy policy, which you will find here.
How to make objections
If you wish to make use of your rights, you are welcome to send an email to AAU Career at career@aau.dk or AAU General Student Guidance at studentguidance@aau.dk. You can also complain to the Danish Data Protection Agency if you believe that AAU is violating the data protection rules in connection with the university's processing of your information through recordings.
You are encouraged to inform AAU Career or AAU’s data protection officer before you complain to the Danish Data Protection Agency, as the case can be resolved or clarified. AAU's data protection officer is Niels Vase, dpo@aau.dk.
When participating in a guidance session, you should be aware of all the general conditions regarding handling of your personal information (see the section "Personal data recommendations regarding online meetings " above for more info).
Your counselor has a duty of confidentiality, and the conversation is considered confidential, which applies both ways. You are therefore not allowed to record the conversation without prior agreement.
When you book a guidance session, you have the option of adding in-depth information and uploading files. This information is stored in our booking system and anonymized after 2 years.
Personal data in connection to AAU Jobbank
Aalborg University
Fredrik Bajers Vej 7K
9220 Aalborg Ø, Denmark
Cvr. no. 2910238
AAU's Jobbank is run in a collaboration between Aalborg University and the company Jobteaser.
The purpose of the Jobbank is to provide students and companies with opportunities to get in touch with each other with the aim of establishing a collaboration (job, student job, project collaboration, project-oriented course, etc.)
The overall purpose of the platform is therefore to assist students in gaining professional experience and thereby developing their career profiles, as well as facilitating the transition to the labor market after completing their education.
During their studies, AAU Jobbank is used for the administration and execution of career-relevant events and in relation to career guidance of students.
As part of the regional growth collaboration ‘Vækst Via Viden’, selected contacts from the regional growth offices have access to contact students and graduates via the AAU Jobbank. This is done in agreement with and under the instruction of Aalborg University.
When you use AAU Jobbank, it is necessary that you provide some information that can be used to identify you, including:
For students:
- Your identity: first name(s), last name(s), email address, address, phone number, age group, gender, etc.
- Your professional profile: place of education, CV, desired job, applied jobs, search criteria, registered events, etc.
For businesses:
- Data about the company you represent, your work address and phone number, your position, data about the profiles you are interested in.
Thus, only so-called 'general personal data' is collected and not data of a sensitive or confidential nature.
The legal basis for the processing of your data is based on Article 6(1)(e) of the General Data Protection Regulation, as the processing is necessary for the performance of a task carried out in the public interest or in the exercise of official authority vested in the controller.
As AAU Jobbank is operated in a collaboration between Aalborg University and Jobteaser, there is a shared data responsibility in the following cases:
- Member pre-registration functionality
- Member registration functionality (SSO)
- Exclusive content ("Private ads and events")
- Career guidance module ("Agreement")
- Talent bank module
- "Insights" module
- Virtual career fair
- Email campaigns / newsletters
Additional functionality on the platform is attributed to Jobteaser's data responsibility.
We will retain your personal data for as long as necessary in relation to the purpose of processing your personal data and in accordance with applicable law.
Your data will be stored in the system until you choose to close your account or for a maximum of two years after your last login to the platform. Your data will then be permanently anonymised and cannot be recreated.
When we process your personal data, you have several rights under the General Data Protection Regulation. This means, among other things, that you have the right to erasure and data portability.
In certain cases, you have the right to access, rectification, restriction and to object to our processing of the personal data covered.
If you have general questions about your rights regarding functionalities under AAU Jobbank's shared data responsibility, you can contact our Data Protection Officer Niels Vase at dpo@aau.dk.
If you have questions about other functionalities in the Jobbank, you can contact Jobteaser's Data Protection Officer at: dataprotection@jobteaser.com.
We must, and will, follow the rules at all times. If you believe that we do not live up to our responsibilities or that we do not process your data in accordance with the rules, you can complain to the Danish Data Protection Agency at dt@datatilsynet.dk.
However, we encourage you to contact us as well, as we will do what we can to resolve your complaint.
Technical tips for online guidance and webinars
- You will receive in advance information about the platform and a link to the guidance session or webinar.
- You can open the link in the software/tool itself or in a browser. It is not a requirement that you have the software/tool installed on your computer, but it often works best if it is.
- Check the link in advance to make sure the microphone and camera are working. You may need to install a plugin.
- Preferably participate using a computer rather than a mobile device.
- Make sure you have good internet connection (preferably by cable or wifi)
- Check if your internet connection is working and has a reasonable speed. Try this tool to check your speed.
- Preferably use internet via cable. Wi-Fi can also work but avoid internet sharing over the phone as much as possible.
- Check if your browser has been updated to the latest version.
- Try another browser.