Closed for enrolment
Innovative Communication Technologies and Entrepreneurship, MSC in Engineering

Closed for enrolment
Innovative Communication Technologies and Entrepreneurship, MSC in Engineering

What you will learn in this programme:
- You will gain knowledge about the new technologies within IT, data and communication
- You learn to turn knowledge about technology into innovative solutions that creates business value
- You will be able to combine technical knowledge of IT, data and communication technologies with creativity and market understanding
Information- and communication technologies such as web technologies, mobile communication and advanced digital services is rapidly evolving, and increasingly influences our daily lives. The technologies are combined in new ways, which results in exciting opportunities for new services and apllications and contribute to digital transformation. If you want to learn about this development, understand what's happening "behind the scenes", and learn how to support user needs and create value, then the master's programme Innovative Communication Technologies and Entrepreneuship (ICTE) on Aalborg University is the programme for you. The education will arm you with knowledge about the newest developments within information and communication technology in a global perspective, and you will learn to develop services and to understand the social, market and ethical aspects of their applications.
Are you a team player?
Group work is an essential element at Aalborg University. Every semester, you will work on a big project together in a group. The semester project is typically around half of the study activity for each semester, so it is important that you can function well in groups and that you see yourself as a team player.
It can be challenging to work in groups, but the ability to do so is one of the capabilities that make AAU candidates very attractive for recruiters and companies.
Academic environment
As a student of ICTE at Aalborg University Copenhagen, you become part of an academic environment shaped by interdisciplinary research and start-up companies, and we cooperate with a long list of organisations and authorities. We are situated in the former Nokia headquarter in Copenhagen, a building which now hosts both Aalborg University and many start-up companies formed e.g. by ex-Nokia employees. Our neighbourgs are other telecom-, media and software companies. Often, research projects at CMI are continued as start-up businesses. There are also often opportunities for you as a student to work with the start-up companies.
The ICTE study programme is provided by a research center within Aalborg University - Center for Media and Communication technologies (CMI) under the department of Electronic Systems at Aalborg University. What characterises our research at CMI is that it is interdisciplinary: engineers work together with colleagues from economy, law, political science and design. They carry out research within the fields of law and regulation, interaction design, Internet of Things and market analysis. Your semester projects at ICTE and the teaching in general reflects this interdisciplinary approach. We connect engineering with business, markets, legislation and users.
International atmosphere
We teach in English and we have an international atmosphere with researchers/teachers and students coming from all over the world. We have and have had students from more than 20 different countries. Software plays an ever-increasing role in our society and the solution to some of the largest challenges we currently face, e.g. climate changes.
You will work with
- The technologies behind interesting applications such as Google, Facebook and Amazon
- Business-related technical subjects and standards within programming, software architectures and communication technologies
- Relevant technical subjects such as IoT, 5G, machine learning and cloud computing
- Business models and business development
- Interaction with technologies, computer and data ethics
- Cyber security and privacy
- Sustainability
- User experience in the real world
Presentation of the ICTE programme
Academic content
On the 3rd semester of the master's programme in Innovative Communication Tehnologies and Entrepreneurship (ICTE), you have the option of doing a traineeship or a semester abroad. Businesses call for candicates with international experiences, and therefore, it will often be an advantage when seeking a job if you have experience from abroad as a part of your education.
During your studies at ICTE, relevant businesses will participate as guest lecturers on each of the semesters during the education. Here, you can network with representatives from the companies if you are interested in making a project in collaboration with them or an internship. Additionally, ICTE can help establish contact to industry businesses for possible internships.
For studying abroad, the international office at AAU are ready to give advice, but you have to do the preparing work yourself. This work can for instance be checking if you need startmerit, finding a place to live in the country in question, take care of insurance, visa, vaccines and more as well as look for financial support.
Startup in practice
In collaboration with Supporting Entrepreneurship at Aalborg University (SEA) and Fonden for Entreprenørskab, AAU offers the opportunity to use the 3rd semester of the ICTE master's programme to carry out a project-oriented academic internship in your own company.
Job and career
The Master's programme in Innovative Communication Technologies and Entrepreneurship (ICTE) from Aalborg University gives you job opportunities within a large number of private companies and public institutions. You can e.g. be employed in major private companies in the field of telecommunications, software development, cybersecurity, IT and media, equipment manufacturers, infrastructure companies, content providers, service providers, the service sector, consulting companies, educational and research institutions and public authorities.
With a master's degree in ICTE, you will be qualified for a position with high demands for overview and analytical skills. Many companies are increasingly in demand for engineers with broader competencies who can be part of interdisciplinary project teams and can contribute to the companies' strategy and business development.
You can choose to work concretely with development of new concepts, services and solutions, or you can choose a more consultant-oriented profile, for instance with focus on strategy and business development.
Check out former ICTE students
Find below a handful of LinkedIn profiles of some former ICTE students. See their professional journey since graduating from ICTE, and feel free to message and ask them about their experiences and advice.
Get help at AAU to start your career in Denmark
AAU Career helps you on your way from student life to job life in Denmark by giving you the tools to examine your options and find out what to do.
While studying at AAU, you can participate in career and job-related events, find help on our website, and book a personal career counselling session to talk about e.g.:
- Finding your way in your career
- Danish working culture
- Application and CV the Danish way
- What you can offer an employer
- How to go about job search in Denmark – both student job, internship and full-time job