
Nordic Computer’s advice for your job search in Denmark

Nordic Computer is a Danish workplace that is characterised by having many international as well as Danish employees. They see great advantages in hiring internationals – both in terms of a diverse corporate culture and in terms of talented and dedicated employees. Here, they share their point of view and advice when you’re looking for a job in Denmark.

Nordic Computer’s advice for your job search in Denmark

Nordic Computer is a Danish workplace that is characterised by having many international as well as Danish employees. They see great advantages in hiring internationals – both in terms of a diverse corporate culture and in terms of talented and dedicated employees. Here, they share their point of view and advice when you’re looking for a job in Denmark.

International employees are an important factor in growth strategy

A large part of Nordic Computer’s turnover and growth potential lies outside Denmark's borders, and they experience that international employees with the ability to speak the local language and who knows the culture give the company a greater chance of success.

“I think having international employees brings something to the company. The diversity makes our everyday life much more exciting and rewarding, both in terms of task solution, professional development, and the work environment," says Laura Cernica Larsen, Head of Global Sales, who herself has a Romanian background and has been in Denmark for 24 years.

Lars Ottesen, who is Chief Marketing Officer, adds that the international employees are an important piece of the puzzle to achieve the company’s goals.


Research is the key if you’re searching for a job

Nordic Computer posts their student jobs in AAU Jobbank and they have participated in a fair at AAU to find new student employees. For some students, a student job or project-oriented course (internship) at Nordic Computer has led to employment after their studies. It's a good way to get to know each other and find out if there’s a match, they explain.

Laura says that you shouldn’t stand back from applying for a student job if your study programme isn’t relevant to the job. The right attitude could land you the student job, and even though it may not lead to a full-time job after graduation, it may be beneficial both to the company as your contributions and ideas may give a new perspective, and for you as you will get professional experience and network in Denmark.

When applying for a job, Lars emphasises the importance of research:

If you want to find a job in Denmark, you must get to know the company. What kind of company is it? What do they do? What are their values? Do see yourself in these things? If you do this, you’ve made a good foundation for a fun and successful stay in the company.

Lars Ottesen, Chief Marketing Officer, Nordic Computer

You will benefit from learning the Danish language

“You must commit yourself to the Danish culture and the Danish language,” Laura stresses.

Even in an international company as Nordic Computer, prioritising to begin your progress towards getting to know the Danish language is an advantage. It may not be easy – it takes time and effort, but along the way, you’ll find that it’s worth the energy.

Nordic Computer
Speaking Danish may not be that important in relation to doing your job, but it is important for your own sake. If you speak Danish, it will be easier for you to get to know some colleagues on a more personal level.

Laura Cernica Larsen, Head of Global Sales, Nordic Computer

Pay attention to cultural differences

Furthermore, Lars encourages you to be aware of the difference between the Danish culture and the culture in your home country. If you are attentive of it, it will be easier for you handle the differences:

"We Danes are perhaps a bit more initiators than some other cultures. In some cultures, it may be more the common practice to wait for someone to officially give you a task and tell you what to do.”

In this respect, as an international student, you should be aware that being proactive and taking the initiative is most often considered a great help and advantage in a Danish workplace. Lars stresses that this is not purely the responsibility of the company – this is also your own responsibility. If you are curious and reach out to your colleagues in order to learn and contribute, your learning journey as a student and employee is already progressing.


Hardworking international students with a will to learn and improve

Lars has great experience with hiring international students in particular. He says that a lot of international students want to prove themselves, and they are very, very hardworking and very willing both to learn and develop themselves as well as get to know Nordic Computer’s corporate culture.

Nordic Computer
International students really want to prove themselves, and it only benefits you when you come with that attitude.

Lars Ottesen, Chief Marketing Officer, Nordic Computer

Want to find a job in Denmark?

Nordic Computer’s advice for you

  1. 1

    Do your research on the company – that’s the best foundation for a good match.

  2. 2

    Show your commitment to the company as well as Denmark.

  3. 3

    Practice speaking Danish – it’s hard but it’s worth it!

  4. 4

    Be aware of possible cultural differences.

  5. 5

    Show that you are hardworking and willing to learn.