
DGI Byen


KarriereDagene 2023 in Copenhagen

KarriereDagene is a large career fair, and a unique opportunity for you to meet companies that are there specifically to meet university students and graduates.

DGI Byen

Tietgensgade 65
1704 København

  • 19.04.2023 09:00 - 15:00
    : 19.04.2023

  • English

  • On location

DGI Byen

Tietgensgade 65
1704 København

19.04.2023 09:00 - 15:0019.04.2023 09:00 - 15:00
: 19.04.2023


On location


KarriereDagene 2023 in Copenhagen

KarriereDagene is a large career fair, and a unique opportunity for you to meet companies that are there specifically to meet university students and graduates.

DGI Byen

Tietgensgade 65
1704 København

  • 19.04.2023 09:00 - 15:00
    : 19.04.2023

  • English

  • On location

DGI Byen

Tietgensgade 65
1704 København

19.04.2023 09:00 - 15:0019.04.2023 09:00 - 15:00
: 19.04.2023


On location

Lots of companies and organisations are ready to meet you at the KarriereDagene - they are looking for student assistants, interns, project collaboration and full-time employees. Maybe you?

KarriereDagene is relevant to you throughout your time at AAU – regardless of whether you are actively looking for a student job, internship, project collaboration or your first job as a graduate, or perhaps you just want knowledge about the labor market or inspiration regarding your career opportunities.

At KarriereDagene you can get CV feedback and a professional photo for your CV and LinkedIn.

You can also meet various trade unions and unemployment insurance funds and perhaps find out which one is right for you.

You sign up for career events through AAU Jobbank. The first time you sign up, log in with your AAU login, where you also have the opportunity to fill out your jobbank profile. And off you go!