Five things you didn't know about your outdoor environment on campus - and it's sustainable

Five things you didn't know about your outdoor environment on campus - and it's sustainable

Five things you didn't know about your outdoor environment on campus - and it's sustainable
In 2019, the campus area in Aalborg was laid out for communal gardens for students and employees. The project was a great success and in addition to the fact that many people enjoy growing their vegetables and plants, the Facebook group for the community gardens also testifies to a burgeoning community, where AAU staff and students help each other out. The gardening team takes good care of the gardens and ensures that the beds are watered with rainwater so that the communal gardens have the best conditions.
Contact the coordinator for physical study environment ( to book one of the communal gardens.
At the request of the students, three beehives will be set up in Campus Øst in the spring of 2022. All students or employees can book one of the venues free of charge on a first-come, first-served basis.
There is therefore free opportunity to cultivate the insects and produce genuine AAU honey on campus. Contact the coordinator for physical study environment ( to book a shelter.
In addition to beehives, insect hotels will be set up in 2021/2022. They take the form of either "hotels" or old tree trunks. The insect hotels aim to increase biodiversity on campus.
It is, of course, rainwater that the gardening team uses to water the communal gardens and other beds. Because under Campus Øst's large football field, there is a large drainage system which collects the rainwater in a 19 cubic meter collection basin, and from here they pump the water into a transportable irrigation system, which they can then use to water all our flower beds and new beds.
Three years ago, the gardening team sowed with "Meadow mixture for clay soil" as it suited our soil type best and because it had to be the mixture that could compete best against the grass, as grass is a very difficult opponent in the 'Wild with Will' concept .
In 2021, the "Farmer's flower mixture" has been sown instead, as there are many seeds in the soil from the old mixture. The new flower mix has been a huge success, with many picking bouquets home from campus, which the gardening team only encourages.
The plants we have in our flower boxes are perennial, so when the gardeners make a change in the boxes, they make new beds for the "old" plants, if thus given new life in a new environment.
The plants in our round flower beds on the main campus are now in their second season (in 2021), as there have been no employees or students to enjoy them during corona. But there will be a switch to summer flowers around May 2022, and then the "old" plants will be used for new beds.
The outdoor environment as part of a good student life
From the greenhouses set up in the east campus, you can enjoy the various green measures. The greenhouses are frequently used in the spring and winter months as group rooms, which, with heat from the sun's rays, extend outdoor life and light. In Campus Service, we get good feedback from the students, who are happy to be able to use the greenhouses for both group work and for lunch – an obvious opportunity to enjoy nature while there is power in the socket for the project office.
If you have an idea for a sustainable activity in the outdoor environment, we would like to hear from you by mail to It is then taken up in the sustainable AAU forum 'Sustainable Campus Forum', where both students and staff work for a green campus.