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All career events on AAU

Start your career while studying at AAU

  • Gain experience while you study

    While you are in the process of your education, there are several things you can do to gain experience that you can write on your CV. Read more about your options and get tips and tricks to get started.

    Take your first steps in Denmark

  • Find inspiration in the career paths of others

    Get inspiration for ways to gain experience and competencies during your time at AAU and how you can take your first steps in your future career in Denmark.

    Inspiration for your career

  • What can I use my education for?

    It can be difficult to know and describe what you can do - both what competencies you have and what jobs you can get. Learn how to put into words what you can do.

    Learn about your options

  • Job and internship search

    It can be a handful to start looking for a student job, project-oriented course (internship), or your first job in Denmark as an international student or graduate from AAU. Find a lot of answers here.

    Job search the Danish way

  • AAU Jobbank

    AAU Jobbank is filled with relevant ads throughout your time at AAU. Log in with your AAU email, create a profile, and you are ready.

    Find different advertisements

  • Online course about job and career

    This course gives you knowledge and tools to advance your career in Denmark. No matter your situation, the career counsellors at AAU have designed the course in a way that will help you in the process.

    Knowledge and tools

  • Graduating soon

    As a soon-to-be graduate, there are several things you need to keep track of if you wish to stay in Denmark. There are also several places where you can get help with job search, salary negotiation, and much more.

    Important information