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LinkedIn and networking

Using LinkedIn and your network for job search is crucial in Denmark. Therefore, start working on your Danish network and create your LinkedIn profile already while you are studying. On this page, you will find tips for networking in Denmark and guides for creating a LinkedIn profile and using LinkedIn's alumni tool.

LinkedIn and networking

Using LinkedIn and your network for job search is crucial in Denmark. Therefore, start working on your Danish network and create your LinkedIn profile already while you are studying. On this page, you will find tips for networking in Denmark and guides for creating a LinkedIn profile and using LinkedIn's alumni tool.

LinkedIn is a huge resource that is a great advantage for you to use, and the earlier you get started, the better. You can use LinkedIn to be seen, maintain your network, look for jobs, and stay up-to-date in your professional field.

Think about how you can give something to your network just as much as how you can gain something from your network.

When you apply for a job in Denmark, there is a good chance that the company will check out your LinkedIn profile. So keep it updated and well thought out.

What is the purpose of LinkedIn?

LinkedIn is a professional social media which is all about sharing and engaging.

You have to create a profile, which is basically a CV, and then you can make status updates in which you share your knowledge. These are saved as "posts".

Be yourself and be comfortable and authentic in the way you use it. You're under no obligation, and it's perfectly fine if you don't want to contribute that much (yet). Find your own way to do it.

Source: Statistics Denmark 2023 and Ballisager's recruitment analysis 2022 and 2023

How do Danes use LinkedIn?

71 %

of Danish companies use LinkedIn as a recruitment channel

20 %

of Danish companies typically hires without a job ad because of an initial unsolicited contact via LinkedIn

33 %

of Danes have a profile on LinkedIn

Guide to get started on LinkedIn:

Create your own profile

We guide you through your profile in 7 steps below, so that it will be quick and easy for you to create a great profile.

All steps are illustrated and elaborated with an example from career counsellor André's own profile.

The advice below are just recommendations that you can choose to follow if they make sense to you. If you follow them, you're well on your way!

Get started with your LinkedIn profile

Go through the 7 steps in the guide below:

Use LinkedIn actively. Join the debate to show your curiosity and skills. Don't be afraid to get in touch or ask questions. People who are on LinkedIn are there to network.

Guide to find inspiration:

LinkedIn's alumni tool

LinkedIn contains information on approx. 100,000 AAU profiles. With the alumni tool, you can find other AAU students and alumni and, e.g., see what they do and where they work.

You can filter your search by e.g. year, education, skills, and how you are connected. All search results are clickable, so what you click on will be added as a filter to your search.

You can e.g. use LinkedIn Alumni to:

  • Learn more about your options during and after your studies
  • Be inspired by other people's career paths and ways to tell about them
  • Find relevant organisations to collaborate with during your studies

Get started with LinkedIn's alumni tool

Go through the 5 steps in the guide below:

Networking tips

Having many contacts does not necessarily mean that you have a good network. It depends on how and how often you use it.