Become tutor

Become tutor

What does the tutor role entail?
The focal point of the tutor role is to contribute to new students experiencing a good and safe study environment, where everyone feels welcome and accepted.
Tutors are representatives of AAU, and tutors give new students room and time to form their own impressions of their studies and lecturers. The tutor role is highly educational and fun at the same time. As a tutor you are guaranteed both new friendships and a fun study start because you get to throw and participate in various festive and cheerful activities.
At AAU, you have the opportunity to be employed either as a tutor coordinator or as a voluntary tutor.
What tasks do tutors and tutor coordinators have?
As a tutor you have the opportunity to get to know new students and have a positive influence on their study start at AAU. Not only is it a perfect opportunity to get to know your fellow students across the semesters, but there is also a lot of experience and learning you can add to your resume.
How to become tutor or tutor coordinator?
It differs from study programme to study programme how you become tutor and tutor coordinator. However, in most cases you will need to hand in an application. How applications are made and who to send them to might differ as well. But, if you keep a close eye on AAU Jobbank and your AAU Student mail, you should be informed about when your study programme is looking for new tutors and tutor coordinators.