Become an entrepreneur while studying

Become an entrepreneur while studying

Are you curious about entrepreneurship, or do you dream of turning your idea into a business? As a student at AAU, you can test your skills in entrepreneurship and discover if it is a potential career path for you.
For instance, you can join the AAU Startup Program, which provides workshops, guidance, and resources from experienced business coaches. It also offers a supportive community of like-minded AAU students who share your enthusiasm for business development.
You can also do a project oriented course (internship) in your own startup. This unique opportunity serves as a practical alternative to the regular internship, allowing you to explore your business idea and entrepreneurial skills for a full semester.
If you lack a startup idea of your own, you can join one of the numerous emerging AAU startups that are actively seeking students to assist in the development of their business ideas.
Explore your opportunities to become an entrepreneur while studying.