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Inspiring story

Hannah's 5 tips for job interviews

Published online: 23.11.2021

When Hannah was looking for her first job, she went to a few interviews before she got her graduate position. Here, she shares her best advice for you when you’re going to a job interview.

Inspiring story

Hannah's 5 tips for job interviews

Published online: 23.11.2021

When Hannah was looking for her first job, she went to a few interviews before she got her graduate position. Here, she shares her best advice for you when you’re going to a job interview.

Hannah Griesshammer

  • Nationality: German
  • Education: International Marketing, AAU in Aalborg
  • Year of graduation: 2019
  • Job: Graduate in Danish Crown, Business Development

Read about Hannah's first month as a graduate and how the entire graduate programme was for her

Research, research, research!

Hannah emphasises the importance of preparing for the job interview: “It is always better to be too much prepared for an interview than too little.”

So how do you do that? Start by researching.

It’s important that you know a lot about the company. That could for instance be what they are currently working on, what challenges they are facing – or at least to have an idea of what the challenges might be.

Hannah Griesshammer

"We all have to grow"

You also need to dig into yourself:

“I think it is important to be aware of your own strengths and weaknesses. And not only to be aware but also to be able to talk about it, to reflect on it. Everyone has areas where they still have to grow and work on as well as areas where they are very good at. So I think it is very good if you show you are open and able to reflect on some of the learnings that you have had in the past.”


You will get out of your comfort zone

She also recommends preparing for the interviewer’s questions:

“It is always good to have a range of questions that you have prepared before and that you will know what to say in those situations. There are also crazy questions that you cannot answer but that is the purpose of those questions; to get you a little bit out of your comfort zone. There are many standard questions that you can prepare for instead and that can turn out very well. I think matching your competencies with what they are looking at, with the job description.”


PBL and teamwork are great competencies

Hannah also highlights AAU’s problem-based learning (PBL) as a great competency to lean on:

With PBL you are always faced with a problem, very similar to a real life project.

Hannah Griesshammer

“So I think for project work at a workplace, it is a great advantage to have worked with it AAU and a great preparation for your future work, because you are always faced with a problem, and you need to find the best way to solve it and what is the best way to get to the best outcome.”

“And of course, teamwork within PBL is a very big part of my job at least. It is always good if you are able to work in teams – and very helpful for a future position I would say.”


Adapt to the Danish working culture

Before the job interview and especially before your first day at the job, Hannah would advise you to get to know the Danish working culture. That will make the transition easier.

“I think that is quite important. There is a very flat hierarchy and managers actually want your input, when they ask you for it! Just in general, I think it is very important to be aware of Danish working culture and to be ready to adapt to that in some way.”

Hannah's 5 tips for job interviews - summed up:

  1. Overprepare!
  2. Be aware of your strengths and weaknesses – and be able to reflect on them and talk about it
  3. Show that you are able to reflect on your learnings in the past
  4. Prepare a range of questions beforehand
  5. Be ready to leave your comfort zone and answer all kinds of questions