AAU Career
5 easy tools for a great CV

A. C. Meyers Vænge 15, Copenhagen, Konferencesalen (1.001) in building A
17.04.2023 11:15 - 12:15
: 17.04.2023English
On location
A. C. Meyers Vænge 15, Copenhagen, Konferencesalen (1.001) in building A
17.04.2023 11:15 - 12:1517.04.2023 11:15 - 12:15
: 17.04.2023
On location
AAU Career
5 easy tools for a great CV

A. C. Meyers Vænge 15, Copenhagen, Konferencesalen (1.001) in building A
17.04.2023 11:15 - 12:15
: 17.04.2023English
On location
A. C. Meyers Vænge 15, Copenhagen, Konferencesalen (1.001) in building A
17.04.2023 11:15 - 12:1517.04.2023 11:15 - 12:15
: 17.04.2023
On location
The event is relevant for you if you are looking for a student job, graduate job, internship, or project collaboration and wish to create a CV that gets noticed by the employers.
Grab a free sandwich and spend your lunch break with us and learn how to master 5 simple tools to make a great CV.
- If you have one, bring a draft of your CV (one that is a work in progress or one that you have sent to a company before), so you can apply what you have learned immediately.
- If you wish to have individual feedback on your CV – please sign up for Drop in CV feedback day on Friday 21 April.
- Lunch sandwiches are on us (requires that you have signed up no later than 15 April).
- All career events at AAU CPH are in English and for both Danish and international students.
Questions? Send AAU Career CPH an e-mail at career@cph.aau.dk.
You sign up for career events through AAU Jobbank. The first time you sign up, log in with your AAU login, where you also have the opportunity to fill out your jobbank profile. And off you go!